Submission of 2024 WIC Awards and Practice Cases to close in 1 month



The World Internet Conference Awards for Pioneering Science and Technology (WIC Awards) and the Practice Cases of Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace (Practice Cases) are two major events hosted by the World Internet Conference (WIC). The WIC collects technical projects and practice cases from government departments, international organizations, social groups, research institutions, colleagues and universities, technology communities, companies, and innovation teams and organizes authoritative experts to review submissions annually. The Submission of 2024 WIC Awards and Practice Cases will close in one month. Do not hesitate to submit your work.

For more information about the submission of "WIC Awards for Pioneering Science and Technology", please read "Open call for 2024 WIC Awards for Pioneering Science and Technology".

For more information about the submission of "Outstanding Cases of Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace", please read "Submission of 2024 Outstanding Cases is open".
