Quaynor, 'Africa's father of the internet', delivers a speech at 2022 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit

| wicinternet.org


The 2022 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit successfully concluded on Nov 11 in Wuzhen, East China's Zhejiang province. 

Quaynor, known as "Africa's father of the internet", delivered a speech via video link at the 2022 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit.

"The theme (of the conference), 'Toward a Shared Digital Future in a Connected World — Building a Community With a Shared Future in Cyberspace', is of particular interest to me. The world is connected and there is no doubt we have a shared digital future. The value rests with the communities with a shared vision and future," Quaynor said.

Watch the full video to see what he said.